The Civil Defence Exam Result 2023 is out.
If you are one of the thousands of candidates who applied for the NSCDC recruitment exercise in 2023, then you are likely eagerly awaiting the release of the exam results.
After all, a successful score on the exam could be the key to a bright and rewarding career in the NSCDC.

This article will provide you with all the information you need to check your Civil Defence exam result 2023 and understand the next steps in the recruitment process.
We will also share some tips on how to prepare for the next stage of screening, so that you can increase your chances of success.
So, whether you are a fresh graduate or a seasoned professional, read on to learn more about how to check your Civil Defence exam result 2023 and take the next step towards a career in the NSCDC.
The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) is one of the most respected paramilitary organizations in the country. It plays a vital role in protecting the lives and property of citizens, and its members are highly trained and dedicated to their work.
Table Of Contents
How to Check Civil Defence Aptitude Test Result
I’m very sure you’re on this page because you want to check what your score is in the civil defence aptitude test results. You aren’t in the wrong place. We have all the information here.
- Step 1: Check the CDCFIB website portal. This is the official website for checking the results of the Civil Defence aptitude test. It is important to visit the official website to avoid being scammed by fake websites.
- Step 2: You will need to enter your registration details to check your result. This includes your application code and phone number. These details can be found on your application form.
- Step 3: Once you have entered your registration details, click on the “Search” button to view your result.
- Step 4: Your result will be displayed on the screen. You can review your score and see if you have qualified for the next stage of the recruitment process.
All done!
We at RecruitDem wish you success and a good outcome!
How to Check NSCDC Civil Defence Shortlist 2023
Are you one of the thousands of candidates who applied for the NSCDC recruitment exercise in 2023? If so, then you are likely eagerly awaiting the release of the NSCDC shortlisted candidates list. After all, being shortlisted for the NSCDC is a major milestone on your journey to a rewarding career in the security sector.
To check if you have been shortlisted, simply follow these simple steps:
- Visit the NSCDC recruitment portal: The official NSCDC recruitment portal is the only place where you can check the shortlisted candidates list. You can access the portal by visiting the following link:
- Log in to your account: If you have already created an account on the NSCDC recruitment portal, simply log in using your email address and password. If you have not created an account, you will need to do so first.
- Click on the “Shortlisted Candidates” button: Once you are logged in, you will see a list of options on the left-hand side of the page. Click on the “Shortlisted Candidates” button to view the list of shortlisted candidates.
- Search for your name: The shortlisted candidates list will be displayed on the screen. Simply search for your name to see if you have been shortlisted.
Celebrate your success! If your name is on the shortlisted candidates list, then congratulations! You have taken a major step towards a career in the Nigerian Civil Defence Corps.