We bring to the attention of Batch C participants that the NPower Physical Verification Date 2024 has been announced.
We believe there is an excitement in the air as the much-anticipated physical verification date draws near.
After successfully navigating through the application process, it’s now time to step into the next phase of this incredible journey.
The physical verification stage presents an opportunity for you to validate the authenticity of your application, ensuring that you possess the necessary qualifications.
Get ready to showcase your dedication and enthusiasm, as Npower prepares to meet you in person and take one step closer to fulfilling your dreams.

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What You Should Know About NPower Physical Screening
If you have been selected as a candidate for Batch C of the Npower program, there is an important step called “physical verification” that you need to complete.
This verification process is mandatory and will take place in different locations across all states. If your name is on the preselection list, it’s essential that you attend the physical verification exercise.
Related: How to Login NPower NPVN Dashboard Portal
Before going for the Npower Physical Verification Exercise, make sure you have printed out your PPA Letter and deployment letters. You will need to present these documents at the verification venue.
To find out more information about your physical verification center and what you need to bring, log in to www.nasims.gov.ng. You can also bookmark this page for updates on the physical screening process for both Npower stream 1 and stream 2.
NPower Physical Verification Date 2024 for Batch C
A lot of candidates have been asking about the official dates for Npower physical verification 2024. That’s the main essence we had to write this article in order to inform you on the dates for this year’s physical verification of selected candidates for NPower.
The Npower Physical Verification Date is scheduled from June 14th to June 25th, 2024. This verification is for all the graduate volunteers. If you are not a graduate, you need to go to your training camps for the verification.
Once you finish the physical verification, make sure to go to your Place of Primary Assignments (PPA). The verification process will be done in groups, so please keep that in mind.
Before attending the physical verification, applicants must have already completed their Npower Biometrics Capture. If you haven’t done your NASIMS Biometrics yet, especially if you are a Batch C Stream 2 candidate, please do it as soon as possible.
General Requirements for Npower Physical Verification 2024
If you have already provided your biometric information, you need to come for a physical verification process. This is where they check your documents to confirm that you are eligible and trustworthy. Here’s a list of the documents you should bring with you:
- BVN Printout: Get a printout of your Bank Verification Number.
- Passport Photographs: Bring some recent passport-sized photos of yourself.
- NYSC Discharge Certificates for Graduates: If you have completed the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) program, bring the certificate that shows you have been discharged.
- Npower Online Slip Printout: Print out the slip that you received when you applied for Npower online.
- National ID Card or Slip: Bring your National ID card or the slip given to you when you registered for one.
- B.SC, HND, or OND Certificates: If you have any of these educational certificates, make sure to bring them along.
- LGA of Origin Certificate: Bring a certificate that shows your Local Government Area (LGA) of origin.
Read Also: NPower Knowledge Recruitment
The purpose of this physical verification is to confirm the eligibility and trustworthiness of the candidates who were preselected for Npower.
Once the verification process is completed, only the most qualified applicants will move on to the next stage of the recruitment exercise.
We wish you good luck and hope you are finally selected.